

2025 Beauty and Personal Care Market Trend

CORUM's 2025 Beauty Trend Report combines expert insights, market research, and consumer discussions, offering a comprehensive outlook on the beauty and personal care market.

2024 Beauty and Personal Care Market Trend

CORUM's 2024 Beauty Trend Report combines expert insights, market research, and consumer discussions, offering a comprehensive outlook on the beauty and personal care market.

SKINIFICATION of Makeup and Hair: The Top 10 Skin Care & Beauty Trends of 2023

With reference to the market research of Information Resources Inc. (IRI), The NPD Group’s beauty market insight and Beauty Pie’s research on combining the total number of Pinterest boards, Instagram hashtags, TikTok hashtag views and the average annual Google search volume in 2022, we have observed that along with “clean beauty” leading the charge, skin care category has taken the reins and further led a shift toward skinification of makeup and skinification of hair.

Body Care Trend Is Booming In 2022

Outbreak of COVID-19 placed people on high alert and shifted individual health priorities. According to health management study by Mintel, three out of ten adults are more aware of their mental health needs, and nearly half of adults have greater personal safety standards because of COVID-19. People are seeking their inner and outer balance more than ever as a result of the epidemic pressure.

Face Mist is Now All the Rage!

Summer is just around the corner, the refreshing and easy-to-carry face mist has become a must-have beauty product to keep in your bag.There are lots of spray typed skin care products featured in the recent Korean TV drama. The applications range from face to body, with various functions such as moisturizing, sun protection, cleaning and sanitizing, and makeup setting.

“Smart” evolution in Skin Care – Epigenetics

As COVID-19 has accelerated customers entering digitalization era, people’s knowledge in skin health is climbing, when coupled with their rising interest in beauty, it creates better opportunities for the growth of epigenetic cosmetics.

2022 Beauty and Personal Care Market Trend Synopsis

Corum’s 2022 trends report consolidated the expert opinions in beauty magazines and market research and referred to the analyses of the amount of consumer discussion in beauty to predict what will continue to trend in 2022.

Et-VC™ is Gaining Momentum as “Wellness Beauty” Trend Continues to Grow

As health and wellness trends continue to grow, the beauty industry is taking note. According to Segmenta, a Latin American marketing intelligence and research company, “wellness beauty” is a high growing trend in Brazil.

Ready for Some “Pep” Talks? Meet The Hottest Rising Peptides in Skincare!

Peptides always keep a place in the anti-aging research and are increasingly used as active ingredients in skincare products. Between 2011 and 2018, the percentage of anti-aging cosmetic products containing peptides was raised from 23.5% to 25.2%, according to a recent study from Portugal.

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